Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Introduction

a.k.a. Who is this lunatic and why am I bothering to read this?

I can answer the first question, but only part of the second. I may be able to give you reasons on why you should read this, but only you know why you are reading this.

So, who am I? My writing name is H. J. Harding, and that should be fine for this, as well. I am, as you might guess, a writer. With luck, no one will end up reading this and wondering why. What do I write? All kinds of things, but mostly in the speculative fiction area. For anyone wondering, speculative fiction is a catch-all term for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Basically, stories where the plot depends on things that are not possible, at least for now. Have I been published? Yes, I have. Maybe not extensively, but I'm working on it. I've even got a self-published novel, Loki Unleashed, for sale on No, that is not the extent of my publishing credits. Yes, that was a shameless plug.
So, why the blog, and what will be in it? Mostly this will be about writing. I could post details about myself, but why would you care? Am I an expert in politics, movies, actors, or anything like that? No. What I know, is writing. And foxes. Long story.
Now, why would you read this? Reason one, you may want to know more about writing. Reason two, you know me personally and I begged... I mean, mentioned this blog to you. Reason three, you're here accidentally. And reason four, hopefully the best reason of them all, you enjoy my writing style. If every book is a journey, than I guess this is a road trip. Happy trails!

Really cool underused word of the day:
Defenestration: the act of throwing something or someone out a window.

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