Friday, May 28, 2010

Writing motivation

Okay, sorry to have missed a couple days. My internet connection is sometimes tricky, and to be honest, at times I didn't want to write. So, that's what we'll talk about today. No matter how much you may love writing, there will be days that you don't feel like doing it. Some of you may not love writing at all, which makes it even harder. So what do you do for those days?
I'm going to give you an iron-clad answer. It depends. Sometimes, you need a break to refresh your creative energy. Sometimes you need to be disciplined and write even when you don't feel like it. Sometimes, the best thing to do is take a break on one project and work on something completely different. I've been working hard on what a hope to be the last major re-work of my novel, and I've promised myself that the next thing I write will be something very different. Hopefully, it will also be shorter. I'm thinking of trying something short and funny. We'll see how inspiration strikes.
How do you know the difference? Well, if it's something that has to be done within a time limit, unless you have room for it, you probably aren't going to get a break, even when you feel creatively drained. In that case, the best thing you can do, is find ways to motivate yourself. I sometimes tell myself that I can only listen to music or have a certain snack while writing. Or I can't do something else until I've gotten so much done. It can work, if you keep your promise. What's your favorite TV show? When does it come on? You could always declare that the TV stays off until your writing is done, no matter how long it takes.
On the other hand, sometimes a short break is what you need to get the creative juices flowing again. A walk around the block, or play with your dog, or kids, or whoever else is around. Fifteen, twenty minutes of absolutely not thinking about your writing maybe the perfect cure to a writing block.
How do you know which is which? If you find yourself growing increasingly frustrated or upset, take a short break, even if it's only five or ten minutes. If your mind refuses to concentrate, try to remain focused.
Well, I didn't cover the topic I planned to, but perhaps I should be more careful about making predictions that I may not be able to keep. That in mind, I'm not saying what the next post is about. We'll see when we see.

Really cool underused word of the day:
Bimanal- having two hands.

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